
I craft, You craft // I jo? Què faig jo?

Montse from Arts and Cats and I started an interesting thread. We both feel we are not able to find a word in Spanish (or Catalan) that works exactly the same as craft works in English. We have "manualidades" which means hand-made but it's not enough. The term "manualidades" works better for what you do when triming and glueing something with your kids. 
We both launch the question to the blogsphere. How could we translate more properly the word craft to Spanish?
Hem encetat una conversa interessant amb la Montse d'Arts and Cats. ¿Com podem traduïr el terme craft anglès al català o al castellà sense perdre el matís implícit a la paraula anglesa que té a veure amb l'habilitat, la traça, per fer alguna cosa?
I tu? Com ho traduiries?

Tot seguit cito la definició del diccionari Oxford (via Mònica de Taneus) del mot anglès:
- Craft:
1 an activity involving skill in making things by hand: the craft of cobbling
[mass noun]: art and craft
(crafts) work or objects made by hand: the shop sells local crafts
(as modifier craft) a craft fair
[in singular] the skills in carrying out one’s work: the artist learned his craft in Holland
the members of a skilled profession.
(the Craft) the brotherhood of Freemasons. 
[with object]
exercise skill in making (an object), typically by hand: he crafted the chair lovingly (as adjective, with submodifier crafted) a beautifully crafted object figurative Crichton knows how to craft a tale, one that keeps the reader turning the pages (as adjective, with submodifier crafted) a carefully crafted peace process.


I carve, you carve... // Jo carvo, tu carves...

I would like to share with you a new acquisition for my crafty library that has been a real surprise. Big time: "Print Workshop: Hand-printing Techniques and Truly Original Projects" by Christine Schmidt.
A book on hand printing projects. From carving your own stamps, to transfer color pictures to tees. All with very good texts, nice design and, in my opinion very very elegant projects.
M'agradaria compartir la nova adquisició a la meva llibreria crafty, que ha estat una autèntica sorpresa. "Print Workshop: Hand-printing Techniques and Truly Original Projects" de Christine Schmidt. Un llibre sobre projectes d'estampació manuals. Des del carvat dels teus propis segells, a transferir imatges a color a samarretes. Tot amb bons textos, un grafisme deliciós i, sota el meu punt de vista, projectes molt molt elegants.

Here's a quote I think it's worth to share.
Tot seguit una cita (que no traduiré) que em sembla que val la pena.
Craft is the skill and technique used to create an object: the "how" something is made by hand with a specific medium. Design and art both use craft. Art and design are not separated by apperance but by aim. Design conveys information. Art conveys emotion. Design's goal is functionality: to serve a purpose such as informing or performing a task. It is all about utility. Art is its own function: art's goal is to encourage contemplation.
You can find out more of Christine Schmidt's work at the Yellow Owl Workshop.
Més informació sobre l'autora i el seu treball al seu lloc web: Yellow Owl Workshop.